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Nov. 23, 2015
Town of Princeton, Mass. – Nov. 23, 2015 – 10 AM
Meeting Minutes  -  PBMLP
10:15 AM  Meeting opened with PBMLP members Stan Moss, chair, and Jon Fudeman with Edith Morgan absent, plus John Kowaleski of the Broadband Committee, Phil O’Brien (marketing), Phil Leaman of Linx and T.A. Nina Nazarian.
        Phil L. distributed a “Fiber Schedule” with schedules and schematics showing layout of fiber line, huts, generators and abutting utilities and facilities. Group discussed response from Atty. Ferriter regarding right-of-way easements. All agreed to come up with a policy for each private road/common driveway neighborhood, as they are all different , i.e. The Clearings has a homeowners association to manage its private way, the others are Snow Pond, Pheasant Lane Deer Run and they may have buried conduit or just buried wire. Nina noted that the official list of town roads is kept by the town clerk, anything not on that list is a private way.
        Stan reported that PMLD was given the okay last week to replace poles—the contractor can install five new poles per day, and assessments and other pole work can follow along. Payments for the pole assessments from Verizon can now be released—for the first batch of 1,400 poles. Verizon co-owns 2,569 poles and a few more are totally owned by PMLD, for a townwide total of 2,580 poles.
        Group then focused on acquiring huts and accompanying emergency generators. Stan had a handle on one from Connecticut built in 2006, no longer needed by a telecom company there, that could cost up to $16,000. He described “musical generators” as the concept of moving certain generators already at town buildings and purchasing a new one for PMLD. Also, running the hut at Thomas Prince School through a panel within the building since the school’s generator is super-sized. This circumvents the need for the T.P. hut to have its own, separate generator. Engineering plans will be needed for installations and foundations, and may be available from South Hadley. Phil L. talked about finding an engineer with experience in hut and foundation design. Phil will get some names to Nina to follow up. Discussion turned to the schematics on the Fiber Schedule and the site layout at the PMLD facility. Group will see if Brian Allen already has a site plan that is adequate.
        John K. reported that there have been no last-minute solicitations from cable companies. It was noted that new 60k propane generators can be used by PMLD to lower their wholesale cost for energy, which is set using a maximum peak of kilowatts. Group discussed getting option of online registration and payment from new subscribers, using Barre Savings Bank because it’s local. Phil O. distributed a draft of an online form as a sample. He requested some updates to use in the newsletter for the Broadband web page, such as status of make-ready, pole assessments and hut installations. The library has offered to let people use their PC to register online. John K. noted that there has to be a means for subscribers to pay by cash or check, so staff in Town Hall would process it.
        A meeting with Verizon is being organized, and individuals being considered as PBMLP financial managers or clerk of the works, will be invited to the next PBMLP meeting in two weeks.
11:25 AM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn

Respectfully submitted,  Marie N. Auger, administrative assistant

PBMLP Referenced Documents:    Fiber Schedule; preliminary draft of online form

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department